When you use a Visa debit card as your funding source, we will process payments in groups. These groups combine your individual Privacy Card transactions from a 24-hour period, and collect payment from your debit card funding source as a single total payment amount rather than individual payments to Privacy. We charge your funding source for this Grouped Payment amount after all of the individual transactions have settled with the respective merchants. This can happen between one and five days after the initial transaction was authorized.
For example, let’s say you made the following transactions on July 14th:
- $11.94 at Starbucks
- $36.19 at Fetch
- $106.98 at Wayfair
We will charge your debit card funding source the total of these individual amounts, $155.11, after all of these transactions have settled. You will see this on your debit card portal or statement as “PWP*Privacy 2024-07-14,” to indicate that this Privacy charge is for the transactions you made on July 14th.
We will send you a Transaction Receipt email with an itemized breakdown of these charges when we process the Grouped Payment with your debit card funding source. It will look something like this:
You can always see more detailed information about each individual transaction by logging into your Privacy.com account and going to your Activity view.